Mobile technology has advanced hugely over the past few years, the technology has become smaller, faster, and more efficient. Applications are installed on these devices in order to improve the user experience, you can play games, use them as calculators take photographs, make phone calls, you can even edit documents and spreadsheets. 

According to Ericsson by the year 2020 70% of the population will have a mobile device, it stands to reason that these devices will be used in our everyday work environment. Service management systems up until recently have been installed onto personal computers and could only be used when in close proximity to the machine, now with the improvement in mobile devices applications are available that will enable users to emulate most of the functionality available on a personal computer.

Mobile App showing customer details

 Service engineers and technicians are constantly on the move visiting clients and conducting servicing and repairs to equipment, also most engineers have a personal mobile device. Companies are able to utilise this fact by providing applications that runs on such devices with a minimum amount of training.

Investing in a Service Management system with mobile applications can enable your company to make use of the fact that your engineers already have mobile devices, therefore reducing cost and increasing efficiency. Engineers can access job sheets and update progress on a job while on the move or at a clients site.

Using the mobile application will allow an engineer to give their head office updates on the progress of a job in real time. All mobile devices comes with a relatively good quality camera, they can read QR codes and Barcodes this is really useful, because most engineers carry a range of spares that are barcoded in their vans, the process of allocation a part to a job is relatively simple, it alleviates the need for the engineer to have to remember to add the part onto the job and update the stock. This is done automatically by simply scanning the barcode, head office is immediately informed and the customer is charged the correct price for the job.

sam mobile signature
Service Management systems with integrated applications will allow engineers to work faster and smarter whilst on the move, it will also allow them to access more up-to-date information about their work schedules, helping them to achieve better customer satisfaction by providing an immediate response for service jobs. The features of these applications can vary depending on the company that produces them. A good service management application will generally come with the ability to manage jobs out in the field even without a stable internet connection, the application will work offline and synchronises when an internet connection is available.

Here at SAM Software Solutions, our Service Management solution comes with a fully integrated job management application for engineers out in the field; It comes with a few added features such as a signature capture , barcode scanning, works offline and synchronises when an internet connection is available.

If you would like to find out more about our App or other solutions feel free to call us at 0115 847 5210 or visit our website at